Our Vision

ONE H.O.P.E.'s Vision

Make multi-ethnic Gospel-Centered disciples:

-To be a church where people grow deeper in spiritual maturity and develop spiritual gifts to mobilize people for ministry in the church and mission to the world.

-To be a church that shares the love of Christ by bringing good news to the poor and oppressed, caring for their needs for justice and compassion as expressions of the gospel.


Create multi-ethnic Gospel-Centered communities:

-To be a spiritually healthy and growing church community of Christ-followers who express the love of Christ to each other and are continually reaching more people for Christ.

-To be a church that networks together with Christ-honoring churches and ministries to fulfill God’s plan to proclaim the gospel to all nations. (Matthew 24:14; Mark 13:10).


Build multi-ethnic Gospel-Centered church plants:

-To be a church that multiplies leaders who are equipped to further Kingdom expansion.

-To be a church that equips, resources, and sends out teams to starting in Portland and beyond to plant new churches that become self-supporting, self-governing, and self-propagating.