
I am a native of Jonesville, LA, married to Menya Barber, and we have four kids. I am passionate about preaching the Gospel in the pulpit and the public square. My heart longs to see the Gospel permeate every aspect of my life and lead others to do the same. I was saved at 21 years of age. I followed God’s calling to the office of pastor shortly after my conversion. I have served in several inner-city communities where I partnered with single mothers to assist in disciping their boys, who were without fathers in the home, to become mature believers who serve others. I served as the family youth pastor at First Rock Fellowship for eight years, where I helped cultivate a culture of family discipleship and worship. I have been a strong advocate for gospel ethnic reconciliation. I have directed annual conferences on this issue of unity for the last ten years and partnered with churches to counsel them on how to pursue multi-ethnicity. We moved to Portland in July 2019 to start a church planting ministry. We are super excited to be here!